Althorpe Island

Shelter from        SW – W – NW

Indicative Anchoring Position

35° 22.05’S   136° 51.75’E

Note.    Indicative anchoring positions are for reference only and should not be used as waypoints.  The best position for anchoring depends on many factors including vessel draft, tide, and forecast wind.

Althorpe Island is very steep and rugged, and the anchorage is located in a small bay on the north-east side. The island itself gives excellent shelter from the south-west, and a rocky reef which runs north from the end of the island, provides additional shelter from the west and north-west. This anchorage has no shelter from the south-east so it is not usually possible to stay in strong and settled SE winds typical in summer. However, if the wind permits, the island is well worth visiting.

Of particular interest when spending the night there is the visibility of four lighthouses from the anchorage – Cape Spencer, Wedge Island, West Cape and Althorpe Island. The existence of so many lighthouses clearly demonstrates the dangers present in the area, and the need for very careful navigation at all times.

The holding is very good on a sandy bottom, and it is possible to lie here safely in very strong south-westerly conditions.

An old jetty is located in the southern part of the bay, and a beach landing is easy if the shore break permits. It is an interesting climb to the top of the island where the old lighthouse and associated cottages are situated.