Shelter from All Directions
Marina Entrance
35° 43.1’S 137° 56.0’E
Note. The marina entrance position is for reference only and should not be used as a waypoint.
This small cove is a useful refuge when severe weather is forecast. However, great care is needed by keel boats as the depth is shallow in places. There is very little manoeuvring room around the marina berths, and larger vessels are likely to have difficulty. Particular care is needed in the entrance which is known to be a problem at low tides. Although the marina is sheltered from all directions once a vessel is inside and tied up, the entrance is dangerous to attempt in strong winds from the west and north west.
Information on the use of this marina is available in the Boating Facilities Brochure on the Kangaroo Island Council website using this link
The most recent depth sounding information (2016) can be found using this link
The depth information may be difficult to read on this document, and the latest information can be sought from the Council on 08 8553 4500
In south easterly conditions it is possible to anchor just south west of the headland, and the holding is good. Anchoring outside with a dinghy ride into the marina to transfer crew to or from the ferry is easy, as it is a short walk into Penneshaw.