Shelter from NE – E – S – SW
Indicative Anchoring Position
35° 07.4’S 137° 48.7’E
Note. Indicative anchoring positions are for reference only and should not be used as waypoints. The best position for anchoring depends on many factors including vessel draft, tide, and forecast wind.
The area known by locals and the yachting community as the Cutter Patch is not a name found on any chart, but it is an excellent anchorage and surprisingly sheltered from the sea state outside (although not from the wind). It lies between Troubridge Shoals to the west and Troubridge Island to the east. It can be safely approached from the north west at any tide. The bottom is sand with patchy weed, and the holding is good. Strong tidal current flows through the anchorage which can cause interesting wind against tide effects.
Landing is possible on Troubridge Island, but great care is needed in securing the dinghy as the tide can progress very rapidly across the sandy shoals. Also it should be noted that the island is a bird refuge and Conservation Park, and a permit is needed before visiting.
When leaving the anchorage it is easy to enter the Sultana Passage to the west with careful attention to charted depths. For those who like more of a challenge it is also possible (with great care) to exit to the south near the Marion Reef beacon, but this is definitely not for the faint-hearted.