Shelter from See Notes below
Indicative Anchoring Position
35° 38.7’S 137° 38.9’E
Note. Indicative anchoring positions are for reference only and should not be used as waypoints. The best position for anchoring depends on many factors including vessel draft, tide, and forecast wind.
Kingscote is the largest town on Kangaroo Island, and although it is not comfortable to anchor there in settled SE summer weather, it is sometimes necessary to re-supply.
There are several possible places to anchor in the Kingscote area –
- The position of the icon in the attached photos is north of the town in an area free of moorings and has shelter from W – NW
- Nearer the town jetty is rather cluttered with moorings and it is necessary to stay clear of these to avoid the anchor snagging on ground tackle. A dinghy ride to the floating pontoon is easy.
- When sitting out pre-frontal winds from the N and NW, secure anchorage just south of the jetty is possible. Once the front has passed bringing W and SW winds, it is simple to move to the anchorage north of the jetty.