Knob Point

Shelter from    NE – E – S

Indicative Anchoring Position

35° 36.60’S    137° 13.87’E

Note.    Indicative anchoring positions are for reference only and should not be used as waypoints.  The best position for anchoring depends on many factors including vessel draft, tide, and forecast wind.

Knob Point is a prominent rocky headland, and the anchorage is in a very small bay about 500 m to the south-west. A rocky reef extends about 150 m in a north westerly direction from the northern side, and this provides some protection from the north east.  The holding is good in sand with very little weed, and a dinghy landing is possible on the sandy beach. However, it is exposed to any westerly swell which may be rolling up Investigator Strait even in light winds from a different direction. In such conditions, a better choice would be Mares Tail which is only 2½ miles away

This is a small anchorage which could hold perhaps 3 or 4 vessels, although in settled and light SE conditions more vessels could be safely anchored to seaward.