Shelter from N – E – SE
Indicative Anchoring Position
34° 57.42’S 136° 05.05’E
Note. Indicative anchoring positions are for reference only and should not be used as waypoints. The best position for anchoring depends on many factors including vessel draft, tide, and forecast wind.
Mittlers Cove is an interesting but seldom visited anchorage on the south-western tip of Thistle Island. It is very exposed to the south-west and should be visited only when there is no large swell running (or likely).
A well charted underwater reef runs westward from Nose Point towards Hopkins Island and care must be taken to avoid this. The bottom in the cove is rocky in places, but it is possible to find large sandy patches and the holding is good. Beach access is tricky due to the shore break.
This anchorage has a remote and isolated feel, although it is actually not far away from more popular areas. Despite the minor hazards it is well worth visiting, perhaps as a daytime stop because of the danger presented by an unexpected south-westerly swell during an overnight stay.