Williams Island

Shelter from      SE – S – SW

Indicative Anchoring Position

35° 01.5’S   135° 58.4’E

Note.    Indicative anchoring positions are for reference only and should not be used as waypoints.  The best position for anchoring depends on many factors including vessel draft, tide, and forecast wind.

Williams Island is a V-shaped island about one mile off the coast between Cape Catastrophe and West Point. It provides good shelter, and is useful as a departure point for the long sail to destinations further west.

However, it is very prone to serious rolling overnight. The ocean swell refracts around the top of the island resulting in large breaking waves on the beach. When a strong southerly breeze is blowing during the day, vessels tend to align head-to-wind and the anchorage is comfortable. At night when the breeze drops, vessels tend to lie beam-on and roll badly. In the small hours of the morning, the slightly shorter trip to destinations to the west may not seem such a good idea!

The large shore break also makes a beach landing hazardous.